It's here! Our nutritionally complete, 100% plant-based burger, which has enjoyed success in select European countries for over a year, is now on sale throughout the entire EU and UK! Not only does the ManaBurger look and taste like meat, it gives your body all the nutrients it needs to be healthy, and its production is significantly more environmentally friendly than factory farming. What's it made of? How can you order it? How to store it and cook it? Find the answers below.
Like beef burgers but looking for something more environmentally friendly? Try the ManaBurger—the world's first nutritionally complete plant burger. It's juicy, and has the taste and mouthfeel of a traditional beef burger.
It is packed with protein (5 types), fibre, a mixture of healthy fats containing omega-3 fatty acids, and 38 vitamins and minerals. It contains no GMOs, gluten, or added glutamate, and it is low in sodium.
What's the ManaBurger made of?
The ManaBurger is a mix of five plant proteins, five plant oils with DHA and EPA omega-3s, fibre, potato starch, and vitamins and minerals. It is dyed with beet-root, paprika, and apple extract, and is flavoured with a mixture of herbs, spices, and natural aromas. Its smokiness comes from a special aroma made using wood from European forests.
Its five sources of protein are: peas, algae, mung beans, hemp, and brown rice. Peas are rich in protein and fibre, and the other protein sources bring the burger's spectrum of amino acids to its physiological optimum. Each burger patty contains 20 g of complete protein.
The ManaBurger contains a unique mixture of oils with minimal saturated fat content and a significant amount of unsaturated fat that includes omega-3s. These oils are: canola oil, algae oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, and flaxseed oil. Each burger patty delivers 22 g of healthy fat, with only 5 g being saturated fat.
You'll also appreciate the ManaBurger if you are trying to limit your carbohydrate intake. One patty without the bun, which evens out the proportion of carbs in each burger, contains only 4 g of complex carbs, so it's perfect for those on a keto diet! See our bunless burger recipe for cooking inspiration!
Our food scientists have packed 14 vitamins and 24 minerals into the burger, making it a perfectly balanced multivitamin in unconventional form. All ingredients, nutrition information, and other product information can be found here.
With love for the planet
Why a plant burger? Since 2014, Mana has been developing plant-based, complete-nutrition food products with a view to sustainability and respect for the planet. When we thought about how we could put to good use the knowledge and skills we acquired when developing our drinks and powders, it seemed obvious that we should create a healthier and greener alternative to an iconic, globally popular food. And what food is more iconic than a burger?
We worked on the burger for 3 years, thanks to which we were able to optimize production from the point of view of sustainability. Each ManaBurger requires 99% less water, 93% less land, 90% less emissions, and 46% less energy to make than its factory-farmed beef equivalent.

Shipping and delivery
The ManaBurger is sold in boxes of 20 patties, which are shipped on dry ice by a partner that specializes in the distribution of frozen foods. Due to the demands of transporting frozen goods, the price of shipping may be as high as €50 (though in most cases less), but we are working hard to reduce it. However, for now, if you order 4 boxes or more, shipping is completely free!
Also because of the complicated logistics of shipping frozen food, delivery may not possible to certain remote locations. Know that we are working on that, too! If you are unsure about your location, contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.
Also, because the ManaBurger is a frozen product, it will be delivered separately from any other Mana products in the same order.
Packaging, storage, and preparation
The ManaBurger is delivered using dry ice in order to ensure the correct storage temperature during transport. When handling dry ice, we recommend using gloves. Do not touch dry ice without gloves. We also recommend letting the dry ice evaporate in the insulated box before disposal (one or two days should be long enough). During this period, keep the insulated box with dry ice outside or in a well-ventilated area inaccessible to children and animals. There will also be handling instructions on the package.
Store the ManaBurger at -18 °F or below. When properly stored, it will keep for 1 year from the date of manufacture. Before it is cooked, it should be defrosted, ideally in the refrigerator, and kept cool until the moment of preparation, just like meat. Once defrosted, ManaBurgers should be cooked within 48 hours.
Defrosted ManaBurgers may be pan-fried, baked, or grilled. You can use a bit of oil if you want, but we recommend cooking them without oil. Grill, fry, or bake for 3 minutes on each side. The outside should be crunchy and golden, while the inside should be pink and juicy.
Where to order?
For Germany, Austria and Switzerland, order here.For the Czech Republic, order here.
For Slovakia, order here.
For all other EU countries and the UK, order here.