Cosmo Ape, Mana's mascot, has been a permanent member of the team since we started in 2014. You can find him dancing around our products on the website, talking about Mana in our YouTube videos, and he even shows up from time to time at Mana events. So, we think it’s about time we gave him a proper introduction.
Cosmo Ape is an intergalactic traveler, chemist, theoretical and practical physicist, craftsman, and more importantly - a member of the Mana crew! But what makes him so valuable to Mana? Above all, his expertise when it comes to nutrition!
Indeed, he is an herbivore, yet he is one of the strongest animals in the world. He shows us that, contrary to popular belief, plant-based diets can provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. He inspires us, teaches us, and has played a major role in making Mana what it is today.
Since Cosmo Ape is a busy, modern gorilla, he does not have time to chew leaves 6 hours a day like his peers. Instead, he relies entirely on Mana, which provides him with all the essential nutrients he needs in a matter of seconds. This saves him time, which he reinvests into things he really cares about: research, travelling the universe, and supporting the Mana team.
The gorilla, which has most likely existed for several million years and is much older than humans, has lived successfully all the while on a plant-based diet. We therefore believe there is much we can learn from this fascinating creature. That’s why we took a wide variety of plant-based ingredients and combined them with state-of-the-art technology. What did we get? Mana.

Everything Evolves. Even Food.
To see Cosmo Ape in action, just watch this video, shot about 2 years ago. Mana has come a long way since, but that just proves our point: things evolve! They advance. They develop. Just like the smartphone, the TV, city maps, and architecture, food is evolving, too, and Mana is paving the way.
Since agriculture today may cease to be able to feed the growing world population within the next few decades, smart solutions like Mana give hope to the food security of our future. Mana contains everything the human body needs to live, and is a basis for the future of nutritionally complete and ecologically sustainable food.
So, if you want to be healthy, strong, and have more time like Cosmo Ape, order ManaPowder or ManaDrink today!