26 OCTOBER 2022
Pamper Your Body and Save Money. We’ve Got Tips to Keep Your Spending in Check.

Globally, the costs of living and eating are rising. It is getting harder and harder to provide for family and household needs and there is not much left for other things? We've put together some tips to help you cope with the tougher times.
Tip No. 1: Track your expenses and set a budget
Having a set personal or family budget probably seems like a given. But the opposite is often true. Surveys show that up to fifty percent of households don't have a fixed monthly budget. And even fewer people evaluate it retrospectively.
Because people tend to think of a budget as something that limits them and makes it impossible for them to indulge in things the way they would like. But this mindset is not ideal. A budget is a strategic tool and a helper. If you think it through and get used to it, it will start to bear fruit.
Tip No. 2: Don't shop hungry and plan your meals ahead
You're out shopping, but your stomach is growling? Watch out! It's been proven that you'll buy more than you need. And you'll have cravings for things you wouldn't put in your cart on a full stomach. It’s better to have a snack before you go to the store to calm your cravings and focus on the right items on your shopping list.

ManaDrink is ideal for when sudden hunger strikes. Just open, drink and you instantly replenish 330 kcal and the necessary nutrients. A perfect snack to give you the energy for a rational shopping trip.
BuyIt's also a good idea to think ahead about what you want to eat over the next few days. This will prevent you from buying unnecessary items and stockpiling food that could go bad in the fridge. Every year, up to a third of the world's food ends up in the bin. This costs trillions of dollars in wasted food worldwide! Try to break out of this trend!
Tip No. 3: Mana won't be hard on your budget, neither your digestion
A healthy lifestyle can be quite a demanding affair that can cost a lot of time and money. Indulging in a balanced diet that provides a person with all the necessary nutrients is quite a science. When you add up the cost of going to the grocery store, the time spent selecting food, preparing it and then washing up, and add in the energy spent doing all of those things, often such a diet ceases to seem sustainable in the long term.

Mana is nutritionally complete food at a reasonable price. When you buy FamilyPack, you can enjoy Mana from €1.71 per serving.
BuyMana is a great solution if you want to treat your body to the highest quality and easily digestible food at a reasonable price. Each serving contains all the necessary vitamins, proteins, fibre and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for a healthy heart and blood vessels. The composition of Mana contributes to the proper functioning of the metabolism, the immune system and has a positive effect on eyesight, among other things.
Moreover, you can also give Mana to your children with regard to their dietary needs: they can have it as a snack or as a substitute for a larger meal from the age of three. Say goodbye to the forgotten snacks you regularly find at the bottom of their backpacks and are forced to throw them out, because they are turning all sorts of green. They won't want to miss our subtly sweet ManaDrink Choco or Apricot.
Tip No. 4: Follow the 30-day rule
Are you overwhelmed by the desire for new running shoes, a new piece for your wardrobe or convinced you need a supermodern phone? Try to resist such impulses. Financial experts often recommend the so-called 30-day rule. As soon as you feel the need to buy something that may significantly affect your budget and is not one of life's essentials, wait and think.
If the purchase still seems rational after 30 days, it probably makes sense for you.
Tip No. 5: Try to limit expensive alcohol and smoking
Some might argue that a glass of good rum with a good cigar might have something to it. But let's face it... With regular, long-term use, both alcohol and tobacco put a strain not only on your body but also on your budget. Quitting smoking and frequent drinking not only leads to better health. It will also help your wallet considerably.
Tip No. 6: Listen to the experience of others and set rules that you are able to follow
Still wondering how to make your wallet a little lighter and save money? Do some more research. And discover the method that fits your life the best. The key to long-term success is to set rules you're able to follow.
It's naive to expect to completely cut everything you enjoy out of your life. You don’t need to stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, stop eating expensive food... and move to the mountains and become a hermit. That's not likely to happen. Start with smaller steps, like not buying that overpriced coffee for takeaway every day, instead brewing your own coffee at home from time to time.
You need to strike a balance and save wisely so that you don't feel remorse every time you spend money on something that you enjoy. What's really important to you in life and what's worth spending money on is something only you can figure out.
We're not likely to convince your boss to give you a raise. But we guarantee that with Mana, you'll invest your money in the best quality food on the market.
[1] Alfredo Malarin (2022) Earth Day 2022: 10 interesting facts on food waste.
[2] E. Napoletano (2022) 5 Ways To Save Money And Keep Your Lifestyle Intact
[3] Kevin McAllister (2018) How to Save—and Spend—Your Money Smarter.
[4] Eurostat.
[5] UNICEF (2020) Family Budgeting in Times of Financial Stress.
[6] Greenly (2022) Global Food waste in 2022.